Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I think...

I know what the topic of my first book will be... Funny Things from My Classroom... (May need to work on the title a bit... Never said I was a good nor creative writer...)

So today.. We were discussing Sentence Structure.. I had them come up with sentences to share that had a noun and verb. First I had some "The squirrel has a nut." and "The dog ran." Then, I had one boy offer his sentence "God made trees and oxygen." (Amen.) Unfortunately, due to not wanting to get fired for extending on that sentence, I agreed that had good sentence structure, but I couldn't write it down on the board for everyone to copy... Of course I could tell he was upset I could not use his sentence (which, I SOOO wish I could have). Then I decided I was going to let them turn to a partner and tell their partners and sentence to write and so forth. At least then, that sweet precious boy can work with his sentence... It is a shame I have to feel uncomfortable discussing God in my room.. *By the way.. I don't bring it up, but if a child starts talking to me about it, I definitely encourage them to feel free to talk about it.. I don't exactly put my thought in, but if they want to talk, I will listen.

Moving on..

We were in the hall going to the bathroom.. My kids were sitting so nice and quiet.. Then a riding lawn mower man rode his HUGE mower right up to the glass door.. It was loud.. They all turned to see a man and he was wearing a bandana over his face... And here is the brief, but funny, conversation that followed...

N: "Whoa! Ms. Moseley, is he a cowboy?"
Me: (laughing out loud) "No. He is a lawn mower."
N: "Why does he have that thing over his mouth."
Me: "Hummm.. Good question."

Ok.. It is probably not near as funny as it was at the moment.. And you have to know this little kid to get the full funny out of it...

Today's Funny Tattle:
"K frdid on me."

WOW.. Great comic relief at the end of a super busy day! Haha.. Of course if they told me that in person I would NOT laugh.. But the fact they wrote it for the Tattle Box.. Cracks. Me. Up.

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