Monday, September 13, 2010

Funny Tattle...

True tattle... from the desk of a first grade teacher.. Yes.. What they choose to tattle about makes me laugh..
Scene: It is workstations, all kids are actively engaged in their workstations. I am at my table, gather information to start building my small groups... Two boys walk up.. One has a calm, collected, sure expression on his face. The other has "Oh no, this is it.. She is going to find out." HA.. (Just thinking about it is cracking me up...)

A: "Ms. Moseley. E is mocking me."
(I give E "the look" - not a long drawn out look, but definitely the look)
Me: "And what does mocking mean?" (Of course I take the opportunity to build on the vocabulary.. I am a teacher after all.. So I make both of them explain what mocking means.)
E: "Copying."
A: "Yes. Copying what I am doing."
Me: "E. Are you suppose to be mocking him?"
(E lowers his head, shame in his eyes...)
E: "No."
Me: "What are you suppose to be doing instead?"
E: "My workstation."
(A's face is just beaming with satisfaction...)
Me: "Well.. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to fix this?"
E: "My own way..."
Me: "Which is...."
E: "Apologizing to A for mocking him."
Me: "Go ahead."
(E turns to A, and seems to actually mean the words)
E: "I'm sorry."
A: "Thats ok."
Me: "Now. Both of you better get back to your workstation and get busy."

So.. Off they go.. Friends again.. Oh the joy of tattling.. Ha.. I made a Tattle Box and I told them if they are not bleeding, about the throw up, or someone physically hurt them, they need to visit the tattle box.. and Yes.. WRITE it down.. Again, why not make it a learning opportunity.. I have read a couple ones that said someone hit them... BUT, I assume if they were really hurt, they would have told me.. I can't catch everyone "hit" - that most often involve both parties not keeping their hands to themselves (i.e. playing) and one person's feelings get hurt in a instant and it is no longer playing.. It is cases like this, I want them to just work it out.. No need to tell me.. Because, both people are at fault..

Oh.. Speaking of the Tattle Box.. I read one the other day that said something like "So-n-so hit me... Haha. Just kidding" They actually wrote that on the tattle sheet... I literally laughed out loud when I read it... Whoever wrote that is a funny child... One of the many reasons I love my job is I get to see and hear the funny things that come out of their mouth.. They have such funny personalities.. Wish their parents could see it all day.. Wonder what they would think?!?!

1 comment:

  1. He he, I'm sure they come up w/some doozies! I am so blessed to hear all the little conversations around here, but still miss some things. They're getting older and often have "pow wows" in their rooms :)
