Monday, August 23, 2010

And it starts...

Home Sweet Classroom...
First Grade 2010-2011

"Writing Chair" or whatever else.. Not sure yet.. But I know the kids are going to LOVE it!
Last year at "Meet the Teacher" I was doing good to have my head on straight.. With uprooting me from one school and having to meet the parents and students three hours later... It was such a traumatic experience I hardly remember it.. I do remember it was NOT fun.. at all.. This year.. I am hoping I can be organized more than one week.. Who knows...
I wish I had some more floor space.. Arranging these desks is almost impossible.. And I am pretty sure when they are sitting in their chairs there will be no room to walk through.. Sigh for small rooms.. (This school is ancient!)
I got the voice levels thing from James and Heather. They use it in Leander ISD. I am hoping it will work.. We'll see.. Always willing to try new things.. (And constantly adjusting.. Man, teaching is a hard job!)
I know the black wall is kind of depressing.. but my hopes are that it will be a "Gallery" for all their work.. Once the work is up there it will look happier.. I am sure..
Where I hope to teach them to read! (and others stuff too.. but I REALLY love reading and writing...)
Library.. My favorite!! Plus, this blue chair is so huge and comfy!
The "Recovery Chair" also know as "the chair you will sit in to avoid driving Ms. Moseley completely crazy....and/or you need to chill and stop the crying or else...." and if this "Recovery Chair" doesn't work, there is another orange chair in the teacher-across-the-hall's room.. and they do NOT want to go there! (Haha. You know its true Ms. Phillips... Thanks in advance!) Why an orange chair?? Well.. Basically, it is the worst color ever... and I will let the kids know that too.. Why would they want to sit in this chair when there is a comfy GREEN and a BLUE chair...

Tomorrow evening is "Meet the Teacher"...

Or in my case "Meet the Students" and their parents, siblings, grandparents, neighbors, see old students, old parents/grandparents... Clutter my very clean and organized classroom with all the supplies... Fall in love with every first grade child that walks through my room because they are mine for the next 9 months... (or until they leave because their parent is deployed or transferring to another base... thus send new kids in my room... which I will love too.. cause they are mine...)

Praying for my students, their families, and myself to have a great year... I pray they learn all they can and I learn all I can from them... As well as, all the others in the world that have the amazing privilege of being a part of the BEST and most impacting career...

Happy 2010-2011 School Year to all....

(Check back soon.. I am sure my emotions will change.. They do often in this field...)


  1. Your classroom looks AWESOME! Looking forward to keeping up with you and your kids this year!

  2. Sooooo, now that the year is in full swing...which chair is comfiest to you? Which do the children prefer (if they were given a choice - not sure if they ever sit in those).

    Anyway, just curious - by the time I get over to Target they'll probably be all gone, but maybe not.... :)
