Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am not a parent... so I can't say I know the "right" way to raise children.. However... I teach children... Not just one or two... but 18-22 children, all the same age, all young, and all at the same time... for eight hours a day... So, I can say I know about children.

What I do know about children is they need love, compassion, understanding, encouragement, guidance, structure, discipline.. and the list can go on for a while... As a teacher of 18-22 children, I try to focus of each individual student.. Key word: TRY. No matter what parents' think, their child is NOT the only student we work with the entire day.. Thus, we cannot possibily review previous year material, teach them the stuff required for this grade, and expand into the next grade(s) AND be the sole disciplinarian with no assistance from any other adult in the child's life... Parent (or Guardians) NEED to be parents from birth.. It makes it so much harder on the student, teacher, and actually the parent, if they don't do their job from the beginning.

Parents are the most important teacher in a child's life. Why can't some of them get that? It breaks my heart to see some kids totally overlooked or discarded their entire lives because the parent is "too busy"..translated: too self involved. If someone make the choice to have children, it is their responsibility to raise them. Or, don't have kids. It really isn't that difficult..

This Soadbox is Sponsored By:

A little girl in Walmart throwing a fit and the mom completely ignoring the behavior... Mom did not buy the girl what she was crying about BUT did buy her the doll she was carrying around... and laughing off the girl's statement towards her "Don't make me punch you."

Also by:

All the precious children I have had the pleasure of teaching that deserve to be loved and adored but it is unfortunate their parents' can't stop focusing on themselves to realize that...


All the absolutely WONDERFUL parents I know. My parents - Loving me. Teaching me. Chastising me. As well as all my family and friends with children who are excellent examples of "good parenting".. Anyone can tell what kind of parent a child has by how they behave without the parent around...

Little side note: I wonder if there is a book on how to raise children the "right" way? Oh. Yes. There is. The Bible.


  1. I hope you have a great year Katie - the voice levels only go up to 5???? ;) Have fun!

  2. Oh yes, and FUN CHAIRS :) Did you get one or both at Wal-mart or did the school provide those? We like to do a lot of our reading on the couch - nothing like a comfy place for reading!

  3. Well.. Voice Level 4 & 5 are OUTDOOR ONLY! 3 is working in groups of 3-4 people. 2 is working with one partner. 1 is whisper so low no one but the person next to you can hear. and 0 is no voice at all. We've practiced..

    I bought both at Target.. I also have a "Reading Buddy Basket" full of different stuffed animals they can read to. (I specifically told them if they play with them, I will take them away. They are ONLY to be held and read to. Mean Ol' Ms. Moseley. Ha.)

  4. LOL - fun - I might look for some chairs at Target, our game room needs some fun in it :) So far, it just has unpacked boxes! I achieve voice level 5 quite frequently so my 5 can hear me when they're in full on play mode ;) We begin our school year next week!
