Friday, August 27, 2010

Two days down...

And going strong.. I am so happy this year has started off so well.. I really love my kids.. All 19 of them (the ones I've met) are absolutely wonderful... Super sweet... I have 13 boys and 7 girls.. Last year my boys were WILD from the first hour until the last minute before they left for summer.. So, naturally my feelings of having 13 boys was... Well.. I was nervous.. But, even though they are boys, they are sweet.. Yes, once they get comfortable, I can see some of them might show a little wildness.. But hopefully they will be able to control themselves somewhat.. My girls are sweet too.. No attitude problems.. I do have two girls who became BEST FRIENDS FOREVER on the first day of school. Funny how girls are.. Makes me laugh. But I have already had to separate those two girls.. Trying to prevent now rather than wait a few weeks when they could develop an attitude about it.. I am especially working towards them NOT becoming "Mean Girls" cause I can see those two doing that.. And that is totally unacceptable in my classroom. I "pound" kindness into their heads. (haha. bad word for point but its the only word I can think of) I make sure all of them know that treating others with kindness is my number one rule. Afterall, "we are a family, and we don't treat our family unkind." Ha. Yes. I really say that..

What I have noticed this week....

1. Teaching would be SO much easier if every student was a perfect angel. Ha.. Never will happen because lets face it, they are little sinners just like everyone else.. AND.. Students would have such a better time at school if they would just listen and follow directions..

2. I don't want my current classroom dynamics to change. Ever. (Until the end of the year) BUT.. Unfortunately, I know it will. Soon.. As in 10 days or so.. Sigh. But I will try to stay very positive about the situation that is coming my way.. And of course, I am going to pray for patience and help with dealing with it...

3. I don't mind being completely crazy in front of my students. They laugh at me all the time.. But hey. They are laughing.. They are kids after all.. School should be fun.. Structured learning.. But fun.. It is unfortunate with all the standards everyone has to meet.. Getting higher and higher every year.. The fun is school has kind of been tossed aside.. I think that is sad.. I want my kids "to be enthusiastic" about school.. Ha.. We do that exercise in the mornings.. I think it is pretty awesome Day 1 of first grade my kids knew what the word "enthusiastic" meant. And Day 2, they remembered.

4. I want to adopt some of my kids. Two of them already have a special place in my heart. Knowing history of some of these kids makes me want to love the children in my life right now and my future kids of my own.

5. I continue to think every parent should be required to teach their child as much as possible before sending them to someone else.. Seriously, how can someone have a child for 5-6 years and never teach them anything?!?! I do not get it. Glad I get to "raise" them for 9 months.. Not that I am perfect, by any stretch.. But I do try my best... And I always want to get better at my job.. All because I think they deserve it...

So.. Two days down.. Looking forward a lot more.. I know there will be some serious tough times this year.. I pray I keep focused on my goal and not let little frustrations get the best of me.. As our principal would say "Which Dawg are you going to feed? The positive dawg or negative dawg?" I definitely am trying to feed the positive dawg... It makes my job easier..

By the way.. In Copperas Cove, the mascot is BullDAWGS, so that is the reason I spell dog like "dawg".. I do know how to spell (some words.. and if I don't, I use Websters) Don't worry.. Ha.

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