Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What I did today...

So.. Today was my first day back in Copperas Cove. I haven't been here since June 9th.. and liked it that way. But all [wonderful] things must end.. and my amazing summer is coming to an end - WAY TO FAST! Thank goodness I still have a few weeks to [hopefully] get geared up for the new school year...

Ok. I went to my school. Got my keys. Went to my new room. [We were all moved around.] Browsed. Got overwhelmed with the amount of things I need to do! Then decided to put together my new "teacher" chair.. [I think my comfort is a #1 priority! haha. Just kinda joking.]

Anyhoo.. I thought, how hard could putting together a chair be?!? It does say "Easy Assembly" on the box. Ha.. Yeah. For a man probably. It wasn't easy for me..

So I started by getting all my stuff set out... and most important the directions! [What a man probably wouldn't want to or need to use.. especially with this easy chair..] Step 1 was SO easy.. Snapping the wheels into the holes... If Step 1 is this easy, maybe it is a easy project afterall! YAY me!!
Step 2 wasn't that hard... but not as easy as Step 1. I had to use this thing called an "Allen" wrench.. I wonder who invented that tool.. Cause it is a pretty funny little tool... but very easy to use.. So I liked it..
Ok.. Step 3 is where my new "Handy Woman" confidence went south. I mean, just look at the directions.. There are a bunch of things going on.. Letters.. Arrows.. Screws.. All at the same time!!
Let me tell you.. It is VERY difficult to hold the chair arm with one hand/arm, Allen wrench and screw in the other... Tell me.. HOW is someone suppose to do both these things with two hands and not have the thing sliding all over the place?!?! Yes.. that happened for a while.. Finally, I realized I was going to have to use my legs to keep the seat from moving while I screwed the arms on.. I am pretty amazed the control my two legs have.. And I accomplished the first part!Only to go on to attaching the back to the seat... My goodness this was the HARDEST thing ever! Seriously.. I really could have used some help... But, after much effort and exhaustion I got the holes lined up on the arm and the back and was able to get the screws in.. Again, my legs played a major role in my success. It did not say you need your legs in the directions.. Maybe they should add that.. OR.. Have directions for girls that are worded different.. Terms we can understand.. and little tips to get us through..
So Step 4 was the easiest.. AND the most gratifying! All I had to do was place the seat on top of the little thing that stuck up from the leg thing and apply pressure.. and There you go... A brand new [and hopefully sturdy] black rolly chair.. I love my new teacher chair! YAY!

After I was done with my chair, I decided to leave.. Didn't have much motivation to do anything else today in my classroom.. Figured tomorrow I will spend much of the day up there unpacking.. and I DID assemble a chair.. Oh.. and I did kind of put together my library area. [Which is my favorite part of a classroom...]

So.. I went shopping. Ha.. Whats new.. I do that a lot.. However, I DID buy a few things for my classroom.. Bulletin board stuff.. Not much.. But good try at least.. Then I went to Old Navy and bought a skirt.. Can't help it..

Well.. after I got back from Harker Heights I started rearranging the furniture in my room.. and decided I was going to get a desk for my laptop.. Last year I used an old trunk as my desk.. Sat on the floor.. It wasn't bad at all.. But thought I should just go ahead a get a desk this year... So off to Walmart I went.. [Yeah. I am not going to spend a lot of money for a desk right now.. Maybe one day when I have a house and want to buy "cute" furniture I might get something cuter than a $30 desk. But for now.. I don't care.]

I got the desk home and thought "If I could put together a chair I can put together a desk!" So I laid out all the stuff... Ready to take on another task! Give me the Allen wrench.. I'm ready!

Ha. Turns out.. This project doesn't need the very easy Allen wrench. Nope. It takes a screw driver with the criss-cross point. Is that call a Phillip's Head? (What is it with tools having boy names?!) Well.. I went on a LONG search for this screw driver... Looked everywhere in the kitchen.. Looked in the bathroom.. Computer room.. Where could this thing be?!? Finally I decided I probably should look in the garage.. Go figure. Well.. I looked around.. Still didn't see anything.. I did see the huge pile of stuff I have to take back to my school tomorrow.. Sigh... So, didn't see the screw driver.. So went back to the kitchen..It HAS to be in there! No. It was still not in there.. So, I went BACK to the garage.. and "Awww!!!" I saw one of those red tool holders. You know. It has lots of drawers.. I went over there.. Opened the first one.. Nope. Not in there.. Skipped down to the 3rd. 4th. 5th. and on down.. NONE of these drawers have a screw driver.. I almost gave up.. Then decided to look again.. and guess what.. In drawer #2.. there it sat.. the screw driving I had been looking for for a good 30 minutes or so.. Now.. WHY could they not include it in the box like the Allen wrench.. I'll never know..
Just like with the chair... the first step was very easy! All I had to do was put these little L brackets on these two legs.. EASY!
And Step 2 was now the hardest thing I ever did.. Had to screw the two black shelves to the other part of the L brackets... Probably took me at LEAST an hour.. if not 2 hours to get these two shelves screwed on.. I think the only way I even was able to do it successfully was learning from my brother or dad, don't know which one, but I learned you put on the screws but don't tighten them one at a time.. and tighten them in a diagonal way.. But after a lot of work, I did it!
I thought the hard part was over with the shelves.. then I had to basically do it again.. Ugh.. I HATE putting things together..
Finally, I got to put the top on.. this part was easy! Finally.. Something easy.. and it being at the end, just makes it all worth it!! Wha-hoo!
Doesn't it look JUST like the picture!! YAY.. That means I put together, not just one thing today.. I put together TWO things!! Man, I am proud... However, I don't think anyone should try to sit on this desk... It is put together.. But how sturdy it is.. well.. not sure about that...The laptop is doing fine.. so far..
So there you have it.. My new desk.. No more floor..
Moral of my post:
You don't need a man to assemble things... However, it would be a lot easier for you if you did..


  1. So funny - I always start to look at the directions and Chris just dives right in - men!

    Cute cute stool you have there at your desk - where'd you find it? We do NOT have enough seating in this big ol' house - so I'm starting to look for things - chairs are mucho expensivo I'm finding...maybe I'm looking in the wrong place! BTW, if you put together enough stuff you'll have about a bazillion of those little allen wreches and then start accumulating this tiny, flat wrenches - weird.

    Good for you for keeping at it until you got it finished! Can't wait to see what you do w/your school room - you saw mine - I still need to get Chris to get the couch back out of there...that is, unless you're planning to visit us again soon...then we'll leave it a little longer :)

  2. Oh Katie, only you could write so much about such events! It has taken me like 20 minutes to read it all!! Haha, btu it was VERY entertaining!! Good Job with assembly! James will be so proud! Love ya!!
