Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Project...

Last year I made Aggie overalls for J and gave them to Heather at one of the baby showers.. And I must admit, he looked pretty darn cute all football season.
So I am making Kayleigh, Lillie, J, and Aubrey some for this season. Of course, I would LOVE to make Baby Ian some, but he will be born at the end of A&M's season.. So he is already on my list for the 2011 season.

Ok. To make these overalls, first you must research. So, I looked up the yell leaders to see what they have written on their overalls they wear to Midnight Yell Practice.. For me, having a picture really helps me with the design.. Since basically I copy it.. Easy..

After finding pictures of the Yell Leaders I found other overalls. And they are SUPER cute.. So, I have more inspiration. Now I need to find Aggie ribbon for the girls' overalls..

Aren't they cute?!? I don't know them, but I can just see our babies taking a picture together in their Aggie overalls... I MUST get a picture!!
I especially love this picture! And since they are so cute, I am going to make their overalls look like this on the back.. YAY. Excited!
Pictures to come!! We might not win every game... but we are going to have the cutest fans!
Gig 'em.


  1. Oh my goodness - those are adorable - care to share the instructions/site/materials used to decorate? I might, might have to do this for our bunch...are the overalls a must? I might just do shirts....hmmm. Can't wait to see how yours turn out!

  2. That would be SO cute on your bunch... I looked everywhere for jean jumpers for the girls but NO one has ones without decorations already on them.. I just bought them 4t boy overalls.. and hopefully going to add some ribbon to make them girly..

  3. Alright....going to have to think about this one - the hardest thing will probably be finding overalls for all 5 that look similar, especially the 2 big girls! Thanks a lot Katie - one more thing on my "wanna do" list ;)
