Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ok. Registering...

So. In a few weeks David and I are going to begin the "Big Scans".. It is overwhelming. There is a LOT of stuff out there and we need a LOT of stuff.. Actually. All we have right now if a bed frame. That's it.. Everything else we must scan.. But then I feel a little bit bad because we NEED a lot of stuff.. But then I don't feel bad because isn't that the point of a registry?!? Oh well.
So. We have been looking at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for things we like. And I guess we will registry at Kohls and or Target too.. And probably Sears..


How many registries is too many?
As far as pots and pans go - Stainless Steel or Non-stick coated??
What other things do we register for that people usually overlook?

It is a good thing we have a while to do this registering stuff..


  1. I would say no more than 3-4 registries! It gets hard for you because for example, target and BBB have alot of the same stuff and it gets confusing. Although, id still register at both, just remember the more places the more confusing. I actually thought it was alot of fun! It was kinda hard to go ahead an decide on colors and styles of things but just go up and down every aisle and you'll have it all covered! Dont feel bad for picking too much stuff or too expensive. People like choices and its good to have too much than not enough, esp. when you need EVERYTHING! As far as price goes...people dont have to pay that much if they dont want. Just be sure to have a good variety of price ranges for all people and if you pick something expensive, you might get it! Just think, if you dont, your no worse off than now right? Pots and pans...dont ask me =) Have fun with it, you only get a ton of new cool stuff once so pick what you really want! love yall!

  2. :) Personally, I like stainless steel for most pots, etc. I did recently get a non-stick skillet and a non-stick grill pan that are WONDERFUL for eggs, especially :) Would be great for pancakes, etc. too. Just make sure you register for some rubberized spatulas to go w/them - NO METAL on those babies!
    As for registering, remember some folks live in smaller towns and don't have Target or any "fancy" stores - Wal-mart might be an option to consider as well for those folks if you want to "cover your bases". As for what to register for, I'd start w/the basics, b/c if you register for things you don't really need to live, and get those, but don't have a bowl to eat out of...well, you get the picture. Not saying there's anything wrong w/a few fun things, just would hate for y'all to be missing the essentials! Have fun!!!
