Thursday, July 29, 2010

Please, tell me it isn't so....

I have a few frustrations in my life right now...

#1: School Supplies.
Stores have had school supplies out for several weeks now... Don't they know that depresses teachers. Yes, I am sure some kids (and their parents) are ready to get back to school but WHY do they have to put a huge damper on our summer by flooding our stores with things we don't want to see until after Labor Day.. I know school starts before Labor Day in Texas, however, the first couple of weeks teachers are still wishing they would wake up from a nightmare and really be sitting on a beach somewhere beautiful, or anywhere but school... Sigh... So, Walmart and Target - at least you could do is wait until August to put out supplies... Thanks!

#2: First Grade
Actually, I am not frustrated with First Grade over all.. However, I am NOT looking forward to a flock of fresh Post-Kindergarteners... I taught Kindergarten. Did not like it... The first couple of weeks (or months for some of them) are the hardest because they are still so young. I have decided I am not meant to teach really young kids. This is crazy because I absolutely adore my nieces, nephews, and friends' very young kids, but for some reason (a very good reason) it is hard to really enjoy teaching really young kids. It really takes a very special person to teach Pre-K or Kindergarten. I am not. So.. I wish I could fast forward to, like, October or November... I start to enjoy it more... But my favorite time with my kids is probably after Spring Break.. Something clicks with them and they aren't babies anymore.. I LOVED my kids so much at the end of the year, and then they left me. Go figure. Maybe I should teach 2nd grade. Yeah, that would be good.
Which brings me to...

#3: Not getting what I want...
So, this is my major frustration right now... Since, let me think, probably 2006 I have wanted to work for one school district. Leander ISD. Now, I am not sure why I decided this is the district for me, but I did. Leander/Cedar Park is the area of Austin I want to settle in and raise my kids in. (Of course, that is what I think.. Not sure where my life will take me.) Ok. So I decided years ago I want to be in Leander, so what would any smart person do? Find a way to get my foot in the door, of course! I went through my college courses with the thought I would be there. When it came time to sign up for Student Teaching placements, I requested that district, and got it. Everyone knows, if you student teach in a district, it is a VERY good chance they will hire you afterwards, because afterall, you know them and they know you. How perfect. So, everything was going to plan. Being in that district for Student Teaching just increased my desire to work there permently.. Yeah, apparently for me, it doesn't work like that. Sigh. By the way, teachers graduating in December is not good.. especially if they want to get a job.. Leander wasn't hiring when I graduated, so I took a job in Houston. Applied again, hoping my connections could get me in for 2009-2010. Nope, still didn't get hired. Seriously, now... So I worked for another district last year, hoping for this year.. I still talk to the people I student taught with. They are awesome.. This year I thought "Ok. I have two years of experience and I know even more people.... AND I had an AWESOME interview!!!" (I am serious, I would have hired me in a heart beat after that interview.) Haha. Well. Guess what.. They hired someone else.. So. Yes. Leander ISD is my major frustration right now. And if you know about the craziness of schools, you know that the first days of school they are going to register a mass amount of students, and Leander is going to hire teachers because of overflow... And WHO are they going to hire??? Not experienced teachers.. Nope, because they already have a class full of students.. They will hire brand new teachers.. Now, I am not saying anything is wrong with new teachers, I was one. I understand they need jobs too.. But it makes me very sad to want to work for one district for YEARS and not get it.. Sigh, double sigh!!
But oh well.. What am I going to do? I can't force the education system to be perfect.. Wish it was, but it isn't going to happen. I guess I will just have to suck it up and love my new group of students with all my heart and teach them as best as I can... I know when I see their bright little faces, my mood will lift.. Until then, I am going to grumble.. Just for a little bit more.. Ha..
*Ha. I know me. I know the moment I step back in my (new) classroom, I will be excited. Just yesterday I was chatting with James and Heather about school. I felt a little excitement creeping in.. Needless to say, I ended that conversation quick! Ha..


  1. Maybe you will have a classroom full of angles.
    Probably not, but we can hope!

  2. I like school supplies. There, I said it. :D

    Sorry things aren't working out the way you want, but you are learning things about yourself in the meantime it sounds like (ie, ages you work best with, or not, etc.) :D Enjoy August!!!

  3. "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phil 4:11. Contentment is sometimes a difficult lesson to learn. Remember we love you and are praying for you. If you ever need to "get away" I know 2 little kids who would love to see you!
